Files and Libraries

Java JSON Client Library

Created February 19, 2025

The Java client-side library is used to provide the set of Java objects that can be serialized to/from JSON using Jackson. This is useful for accessing the JSON REST endpoints that are published by this application.

Resources Example (Raw JAXB) url = new + "/thesis");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); connection = url.openConnection();

mapper.writeValue(connection.getOutputStream(), thesisCreate);
ThesisGet result = (ThesisGet) mapper.readValue( connection.getInputStream(), ThesisGet.class );
//handle the result as needed...
Resources Example (Jersey client) client =;

ThesisGet result = + "/thesis")
  .post(, "application/json"), ThesisGet.class);

//handle the result as needed...

name size description
rest-api-json-client.jar 63.41K The binaries for the Java JSON client library.
rest-api-json-client-json-sources.jar 44.64K The sources for the Java JSON client library.

Java XML Client Library

Created February 19, 2025

The Java client-side library is used to access the Web service API for this application using Java.

The Java client-side library is used to provide the set of Java objects that can be serialized to/from XML using JAXB. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application.

Resources Example (Raw JAXB) url = new + "/thesis");
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( byte[].class, byte[].class ); connection = url.openConnection();

Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
marshaller.marshal(thesisCreate, connection.getOutputStream());
ThesisGet result = (ThesisGet) unmarshaller.unmarshal( connection.getInputStream() );
//handle the result as needed...
Resources Example (Jersey client) client =;

ThesisGet result = + "/thesis")
  .post(, "application/xml"), ThesisGet.class);

//handle the result as needed...

name size description
rest-api-xml-client.jar 66.16K The binaries for the Java XML client library.
rest-api-xml-client-xml-sources.jar 50.92K The sources for the Java XML client library.

JavaScript Client Library

Created February 19, 2025

The JavaScript client-side library defines classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

The library uses ES6 class syntax which has limited support. See MDN and the ES6 Compatibility Table for more details.

The library contains a UMD loader which supports AMD, CommonJS and browser globals. The browser global variable name for this library is "javascriptClient".

JavaScript Example
//read the resource in JSON:
var json = JSON.parse(jsonString);

//create an object
var object = new Object(json);

//retreive the json again
var newJson = object.toJSON();

//serialize the json
var newJsonString = JSON.stringify(newJson);

name size description 14.70K

The JavaScript client-side library defines classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

The library uses ES6 class syntax which has limited support. See MDN and the ES6 Compatibility Table for more details.

The library contains a UMD loader which supports AMD, CommonJS and browser globals. The browser global variable name for this library is "javascriptClient".

JavaScript Example
//read the resource in JSON:
var json = JSON.parse(jsonString);

//create an object
var object = new Object(json);

//retreive the json again
var newJson = object.toJSON();

//serialize the json
var newJsonString = JSON.stringify(newJson);


Created February 19, 2025

name size description
daisy_api.xsd 42.14K  

PHP JSON Client Library

Created February 19, 2025

The PHP JSON client-side library defines the PHP classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

This library requires the json_encode function which was included in PHP versions 5.2.0+.

PHP JSON Example
//read the resource in JSON:
$json = ...;

//read the json as an array.
$parsed = json_decode($json, true);

//read the json array as the object
$result = new Object($parsed);

//open a writer for the json
$json = $result->toJson();

name size description 17.54K

The PHP JSON client-side library defines the PHP classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

This library requires the json_encode function which was included in PHP versions 5.2.0+.

PHP JSON Example
//read the resource in JSON:
$json = ...;

//read the json as an array.
$parsed = json_decode($json, true);

//read the json array as the object
$result = new Object($parsed);

//open a writer for the json
$json = $result->toJson();

PHP XML Client Library

Created February 19, 2025

The PHP client-side library defines the PHP classes that can be (de)serialized to/from XML. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a XML representation of their resources.

This library leverages the XMLReader and XMLWriter tools that were included in PHP versions 5.1.0+.

PHP XML Example
//read the resource in XML form:
$xml = ...;

$reader = new \XMLReader();

if (!$reader->open($xml)) {
  throw new \Exception('Unable to open ' . $xml);
$result = new Object($reader);

//open a writer for the xml
$out = ...;
$writer = new \XMLWriter();

name size description 22.70K

The PHP client-side library defines the PHP classes that can be (de)serialized to/from XML. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a XML representation of their resources.

This library leverages the XMLReader and XMLWriter tools that were included in PHP versions 5.1.0+.

PHP XML Example
//read the resource in XML form:
$xml = ...;

$reader = new \XMLReader();

if (!$reader->open($xml)) {
  throw new \Exception('Unable to open ' . $xml);
$result = new Object($reader);

//open a writer for the xml
$out = ...;
$writer = new \XMLWriter();